De Tijdtemmer: try-out


An old man takes us on a wordless journey through his past, with shadow images, drawings and music. A journey that traverses different worlds and turns around through time.

But what color does time have? Can you put an end to the End? How do you know if something is real? Is reality more valuable than your dreams? Can you become richer by losing something? Can "missing someone" also make you happy?

Additional info

Erki De Vries and Freija Van Esbroeck create poetic worlds for children and adults in which visual arts and theater merge together. De Tijdtemmer plays as a try-out in Dilbeek and comes to Genk and Turnhout after the premiere.

January 26, 2020: CC Westrand Dilbeek (Try-Out)

CC Westrand: Theaterzaal

In Dilbeek we work with family day passes. You can buy it via this link, or via the CC Westrand ticket counter.

How does the family day pass work?
You can participate in all activities for € 10 per person. For activities with limited capacity, you must reserve on the spot at the reception desk.

Beeld © Freija Van Esbroeck

concept: Erki De Vries en Freija Van Esbroeck | scenografie en animaties: Erki De Vries en Freija Van Esbroeck | spel: Kurt Vandendriessche | muziek: Ruben Nachtergaele | regie: Michiel Alberts | dramaturgie: Ruth Mariën | montage: Anaïs Negre | coach animatie: Paul Delissen | kostuums: Kristin Vanden Bosch

productieWIThWIT vzw | coproductie: HET LAB-Hasselt, Het Laatste Bedrijf | in samenwerking met: Theater FroeFroeDe WarandeHetpaleisWalpurgis en De Grote Post.

Deze voorstelling kwam tot stand met de steun van de Tax Shelter maatregel van de Belgische Federale Overheid, Gallop Tax Shelter, de Vlaamse Overheid en stad Antwerpen

De Tijdtemmer LR (c)Freija van Esbroeck.jpg