Moeilijk om je weg te vinden in het STORMOPKOMSTprogramma? Wij zetten alvast een paar tips op een rijtje per weekenddag, voor denkers en doeners. Ook op maan-, dins- en woensdag kan je ons na de schooluren bezoeken tot 18 uur.
Overzicht per leeftijd
0-4 jaar
STORMOPKOMST festival program.
Below you can find the abridged versionof the STORMOPKOMST festival program. Intrigued? Will you come and watch or join in? The reservationform is in Dutch, but we hope you can figure it out! Click here
#no words#, means the performance/exposition/workshop is suitable for someone who does not understand Dutch.
Have fun!
Hoe ver kan je denken? (How far can you think?) – NEW COPRODUCTION
8 – 11yrs
Silvie Moors and Michiel Van Cauwelaert
Explore the borders of your imagination and help an onion escape the frying pan in this funny philosophical workshop. Based on 'The Onion's Great Escape', a unique children's activity book by award-winning illustrator Sara Fanelli.
- Saturday 22nd March at 10.30 and 13:00
- Sunday 23rd March at 10.30 and 15:00
- Wednesday 26th March 14:00
Duration: 90 minutes
No adults allowed, sorry!
Extra! A Dangerous Evening with Adventurous Illustrators
Daring illustrators, teachers and curious adults are kindly invited to share their thoughts with guest of honor Sara Fanelli and fellow illustrators such as Joke Van Leeuwen.
In collaboration with Stichting Lezen and De Dagen.
3 X Aarich Jespers
Aarich Jespers is best known as drummer for the music group Zita Swoon. At the festival, he will present a different side of his creative repertoire. Find him at the Station, Verzameling (Collection) or enjoy his Vliegenconcert (Fly Concert).
Station - NEW COPRODUCTION with AARICH JESPERS #no words#,
Houten Zaal
6 – 14 yrs
Zonzo Cie and Braakland/ZheBilding
All aboard! Aarich Jespsers (Zita Swoon) drives his Danish trains into new adventures! Nicolas Rombouts (Dez Mona) and Joris Caluwaerts (The Go Find, Zita Swoon...) accompany the trip with live music.
- Sunday 23rd March at 14:00 and 16:00
- Wednesday 26th March at 14.30
Duration: 40 minutes
Verzameling (Round up) - NEW COPRODUCTION AARICH JESPERS #no words#,
All welcome
Gang Schouwburg
Aarich Jespers
From weird machines to a Wheel of Fortune. Let yourself be surprised in this exhibition of the clever and often humorous findings and fiddlings of Aarich Jespers.
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 18.30
- Sunday 23rd March from 10:00 till 18
- Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th March from 16:00 till 18:00
- Wednesday 26th March from 13 till 18:00
Het kleinste familiecircus ter wereld (The Smallest Family Circus in the World) – NEW COPRODUCTION
6 – 14 yrs
Stijn Grupping and Ine from Baelen
Ine and Stijn want to create a real family circus. But it's just the two of them...
DIY circus at its best!
- Sunday 23rd March at 11:00 and 14:00
Duration: 60 minutes
Raar? Maar waar! (Strange? But True!) #no words#,
3 – 14 yrs
Lemm & Barkey and Needcompany
Brightly colored animals and porcelain cups: nothing is too weird for Lemm & Barkey and Needcompany! Dive into their crazy universe in their first dance performance for kids.
- Sunday 23rd March at 15:00
Duration: 50 minutes
Box With Holes #no words#,
All welcome
Heine Avdal
Can you see what you feel? Let your senses be fooled by technology in this unique black box experience.
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 15.30 and 16.30 till 18.30
- Sunday 23rd March from 10.00 till 11:00, from 12:00 till 14:00 and from 15.00 till 18:00
Duration: 15 minutes
Klotski – NEW XS COPRODUCTION #no words#,
All welcome
Wander in a kaleidoscopic space where walls move and colors change to the music.
Everything is a surprise. Rockstar Mauro caters for all ages.
- Sunday 23rd March at 11:00 and 14:00
Duration: 45 minutes
Nu & de toekomst (Now & the Future) (première) – NEW COPRODUCTION
8 – 14 yrs
Glazen zaal
Davis Freeman/Random Scream
Save the world with Davis Freeman! Join him, together with a composer, dancer and visual artist, in this interactive show full of unexpected turns.
- Sunday 23rd March at 13:00
Duration: 40 minutes
Stille Kracht (Silent Power) #no words#,
All welcome
de Warande, dienst tentoonstellingen (exhibitions service)
What ritual gives you power? Discover your strength on this tour through the expo Silent Power.
- Saturday 22nd, Sunday 23rd and Wednesday 26th March from 11:00 till 17:00.
Big Fat Failed Beginnings – NEW (BE)
All welcome
Oude bib
Gosie Vervloessem, Naomi Kerkhove, Wendy from Wynsberghe
Discover how to recreate the force of nature in your own home. Mix a volcano or cook a tsunami in our professional laboratory!
Visit the lab, join one of the workshops, take a tour or find out more about physics at our Children's University!
Studio Visit #no words#,
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 19:00
- Sunday 23rd March from 10:00 till 18:00
- Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th March from 16:00 till 17:00
- Wednesday 26th March from 13:00 till 17:00.
(Warning: Closed when another event/activity is underway).
- To the centre of the earth: A gastronomic journey. – 7+
Saturday 22nd March at 11:00 - Reception for Milky Ways and other cosmic delicacies – 9+
Sunday 23rd March at 11:00 - A mix for a Perfect Storm – 7+
Wednesday 26th March at 14:00
Duration: 90 minutes
What went wrong today and what went dangerously right?
Now is the time to ask!
- Every festival day! 22nd – 26th March at 17:00
Duration: 90 minutes
Childrens university: From the big-bang to stardust – NEW
8 - 12 Yrs
Oude Bib
Professor Piet Van Duppen
It all started with a bang! But what came after that? Piet from Duppen, professor at the University of Leuven, guides you through the microscopic world of atoms.
- Sunday 23rd March at 14.30
Duration: 30 minutes
A moon pancake or an omelet Vesuvius? Dinamo serves you a delicious disaster for one euro only!
- Wednesday 26th March from 13.30 till 16.30
ABC Animal Studio
All welcome
Oude bib
Art Basics for Children
Can you make a drawing roar?
The ABC-studio inspires young and old to express their inner animal through art.
Let the beast go!
- Sunday 23rd March from 14:00 till 17:00
- Wednesday 26 March from 14:00 till 17:00
Duration: Stay inside as long as you like.
Dreams of environment - NEW XS #no words#,
8 – 14 Yrs
Ahmed Khaled
With simple objects and without any words Ahmed Khaled and Simon Allemeersch create twisted images that carefully balance between dream and danger.
- Saturday 22nd March at 18.30
Duration: 60 minutes
L’imaginarium du Capitein Gustav II COPRODUCTIE #no words#,
All welcome
Op het Warandeplein
Ell Circo d'Ell Fuego/De Machinerie
Dive into the deep sea on the back of one of the mysterious creatures of the carousel!
Made of 100% recycled material, fueled by human energy!
- Saturday 22 March from 10 till 17.30
- Sunday 23 March from 9.30 till 17
Duration: 1 ride
D3D, buiten de lijnen (D3D, Outside the lines) #no words#,
All welcome
Cacao Bleu
Do you dare to move outside the box?
Discover the history of contemporary dance throughout this interactive experience.
But beware: your feet may start moving in strange directions!
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 19:00
- Sunday 23 March from 10:00 till 18:00
3 - 4 Yrs and 5 - 6 Yrs
Verzamelpunt Festivalcentrum (Meeting Point)
Cirkus in Motion.
Crazy pyramids and safe-somersaults: Circomotoriek is a playful mix of acrobatics and movement for toddlers and their (grand)parents.
- Saturday 22nd March at 9:-- (3 – 4 Yrs) and 10.30 (5 – 6 Yrs)
Duration: 40 minutes
Expeditie (Expedition)
8 - 14 Yrs
Verzamelpunt Festivalcentrum (Central Festival Meeting Point)
Go exploring! One ticket will lead you on three different adventures! Are you ready?
Fly Concert - AARICH JESPERS #no words#,
Aarich Jespers
Forget Bach! Aarich Jespers leaves the writing of the score to a fly and the musicians just go with the flow. Live!
No man is an island #no words#,
Erik Kaiel
A dancer pushes, pulls and folds the body of his partner to his own private island. No touching of the floor allowed!
X tot de zoveelste (X till the Nth Degree) - LABORATORIUM
Nikè Moens and Vick Verachtert
The beginning is certain, but how will it end? There are a 'gazillion' possibilities! What if...
The choice is yours!
- Saturday 22rd March at 12:00, 14.30 and 17:00
- Sunday 23rd March at 10:00, 12:00 and 16.30
Duration: 70 minutes
On Wednesday there is no Expedition but you can still discover X till the Nth Degree
- Wednesday 26th March at 13.30 and 16:00
Duration: 30 minutes
Sound Bed – NEW XS COPRODUCTION #no words#
5 - 14 YRS
Oude bib
Vera Tussing
Lay down on a bed with wheels. Close your eyes. Music creates a movie behind your eyes while dancers roll the platform through space in this unique sound experience.
Curious but shy? You don't need a ticket to just watch the performance without participating.
- Saturday 22nd March
- Sunday 23rd March
from 10:00 till 11:00, from 12.30 till 14.30 and from 15:00 till 17:00
Duration: 5 minutes
3 by 3 #no words#
6 - 14 Yrs
fABULEUS and Busy Rocks
How does a cardboard box dance? Three young dancers challenge themselves to answer this and two other questions in three different dance-experiments.
- Saturday 22nd March at 15.30
Duration: 60 minutes
Weekend XL #no words#,
All welcome
Hoge Rielen
Hostel Wadi, STORMOPKOMST, Ar-Tur, Marin Zivkovic, Branko Cvjeticanin
Between the trees of the Hoge Rielen you'll find the perfect hiding place: Hostel Wadi. Book a room and get a special treat by musician Marin Zivkovic who composed a duet for saxophone and the unique architecture. Visual artist Branko Cvjeticanin lights up the place. For sleepyheads only.
- Saturday 22nd March
Sound Wall #no words#,
- from 19:00 till 20.30 (ongoing)
Childrens University: Daring Architecture
Kuub +1
with Ar-Tur
How does the best playground in the world look? What is a school? Architect Luc Van Hout from Architects in Motion shows you how he and other architects transform exciting dreams into real buildings. An interesting lecture for children about daring architecture.
Durfbouwveld (Dare-Building Site) #no words#,
All welcome
Outside the main festival entrance
with Ar-Tur
Put on your hard-hat and build the craziest constructions from scratch!
A team of architects will assist you with all the professional advice you need.
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 18:00
- Sunday 23rd March from 10:00 till 18:00
Duration: Exchange your ticket for a wrist-band. You can then come and go as you please.
Extra! In the fringe of the festival there is also an adult-program regarding schools and other places where childeren spend their time. More info:
MOOOV in the Cupboard.
All welcome
In the hallways
What is cosier than watching a short film in a cupboard? MOOOV has made a terrifying selection especially for the festival! Watch your back, some horror might be involved.
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 19:00
- Sunday 23rd March from 10:00 till 18:00
- Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th March from 16:00 till 18:00
- Wednesday 26th March from 13:00 till 18:00
All welcome
In the hallways
i.s.m. MOOOV
Do you dare to hack the new website of STORMOPKOMST? Come and discover the technological world of computers and tablets and enjoy the danger...
- Saturday 22nd March from 10:00 till 19:00
- Sunday 23rd March from 10:00 till 18:00
Festival Center
All welcome
Entrance hall of de Warande
Ceci n'est pas une galerie
Knock Knock! Who's there? Snoop around the mysterious houses that have popped up in the entrance hall.
With breakfast?
Are you brave enough to knock? You'll might just find something sweet for breakfast inside...
- Saturday 22nd March
- Sunday 23rd March
from 9.30 till 11:00
Duration: at 11:00 breakfast is finished and we clean up.
5-7 jaar
Big Fat Rondleiding 17uur
Dagelijkse rondleiding door het laboratorium met een overzicht van alle proeven van die dag.
Verzameling doorlopend
Kom kijken naar de verrassende installaties van Zita Swoon drummer Aarich Jespers.
Durfbouwveld doorlopend
Samen met een team architecten maak je je wildste bouwkundige dromen waar.
Sound Bed doorlopend
Kom ook op het bed liggen en zet je zintuigen op scherp.
Station 14 en 16uur
Een verrassende combinatie van muziek, knutselarij en twee Deense treinen.
Stille Kracht doorlopend
Een tentoonstelling over rituelen en hoe kunstenaars die in hun werk gebruiken.
Big Fat Workshops 11uur
Kom mee experimenteren in ons laboratorium.
Box with holes doorlopend
Een prikkelende en individuele ervaring die inspeelt op al je zintuigen.
8-14 jaar
Hoe ver kan je denken? 10.30 en 13 uur
Een filosofisch avontuur waarin we jouw medewerking vragen.
Expeditie 12, 14.30 en 17 uur
Drie verschillende voorstellingen waarin we je laten proeven van dans, muziek en theater.
Durfbouwveld doorlopend
Samen met een team architecten maak je je wildste bouwkundige dromen waar.
Big Fat Workshops 11 uur
Kom mee experimenteren in ons laboratorium.
Dreams of environment 18.30 uur
Een theaterstuk in verschillende hoofdstukjes, waarin herkenbare voorwerpen telkens een heel eingen twist krijgen.
Het kleinste familiecircus ter wereld 11 en 14 uur
Kom dat zien, kom dat zien! Het kleinste familiecircus ter wereld!
Big Fat Universiteit 14.30 uur
Een lezing door een echte professor op kindermaat.
Box with holes doorlopend
Een prikkelende en individuele ervaring die inspeelt op al je zintuigen.
Sound Bed doorlopend
Kom ook op het bed liggen en zet je zintuigen op scherp.