Mens Orgel Concert

Open Call

Werktank and STORMOPKOMST jointly organized an Open Call. Artists could send in plans for a new media installation with the theme of the relationship between people and technology. One winner was chosen from the proposals. Jo Caimo received a production budget and support to carry out his idea - a Human Organ Concert.

During the STORMOPKOMSTfestival in Turnhout (18-20 March 2016) you could play both the instrument of Jo and of instrumentbuilder Boris Van Heerden. On the images you can see the reportage that 'Iedereen Beroemd' made about it.

What is it?

Make music by breathing.

Each visitor is given a portable device that records air movement as they breathe in and out and sends it wirelessly to a mechanism that plays the organ. The device is called a Human Respiration Instrument (HRI). The more HRIs around, the more sound. The breaths of everyone together thus produce a concert.

Can all visitors stop breathing at the same time? Or what happens when a new visitor comes in? Do they make fast music, or just very slow? The Human Organ responds to everything: whether they are blowing on purpose, talking, or just standing quietly listening.

Test. Test.

Fun, I want to do it again.

Make a really big one!

Less hiccups.

I really enjoyed it and don't know what I would change about it.

I didn't think about it.

Making longer tubes.

Comments on the Human Organ prototype.

At the Art Day for Children (November 15, 2015), visitors could already see, hear and try out a prototype of the 'Human Organ'. Besides consciously breathing in and out, we saw and heard people squeezing the tubes, Brother Jacob singing, eating, sucking, walking in circles, stuttering, laughing....

During STORMOPKOMST 2016 (March 18-20, 2016) the first version premiered. 'Iedereen beroemd' made a video reportage of it. Now Jo is working on the next version, for church organs.


Jo Caimo in collaboration with Boris van Heerden
A co-production of Overtoon, STORMOPKOMST and Werktank
With thanks to iMAL

Human Organ Concert on Iedereen Beroemd

Human Organ Concert - Jo Caimo

Gazet van Antwerpen

De eerste test